The sole purpose of #DayOnesArt is to promote and support independent artists coming out of urban meccas. Through collaboration we generate a bridge to further growth within our shared communities. We are a collective of working Artists and Cultural Consultants - here as an amenity. We are project developers who serve Artists and Creative leaders with intention building - establishing cultural equity and resilience within Institutions and Corporate entities. We began with pop-ups and now have created outreach in the form of our fellowship “BUF”.
** DayonesArt ReCap
** DayonesArt ReCap
Delight Retreat is our Rest and Reprieve Conference. This past June we were, hosted in the Adirondacks by Blue Mountain Center. Our 5-Day retreat centers Intergenerational Blackness and holistic wellness through creative organizing and play. Participants arrived and released. Leaving feeling rested and with seeds to share. The participants are artists and cultural organizers who are divided between disciplines. We focused on sharing their art, social practice and ordinary jobs. As city dwellers they do not spend much time out of the concrete jungle and do not have a moment to rest or reflect in solitude. Our time together we focused on relaxation and celebration of our individual accomplishments and endeavours. Our time was for ease - rest - and respite.
Healing < with Hope as Anchor> Hope <with Faith as Anchor>
This time was needed for us to recharge from burnout in our community. We need safe spaces where we can connect as a family in person. Gathering for communal rest; so that we can continue to aid our larger communities in positive problem solving. The desired outcome from the gathering was to take away new practices of love.
So Gracious for Blue Mountain Center - the welcoming staff and all of the space inhabitance. It was truly a treat and well received vitamin to help usher peace. Big thanks to everyone who donated to allow for this precious moment. Looking forward to more time to plan for success and retreat in peace.